Soft Tissue Therapy
Soft tissue therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body i.e. muscles, connective tissues/ fascia, tendons, ligaments and joints. It is a manual therapy that aims to treat minor and chronic injuries whether caused through sport, other lifestyle factors, or help manage pain in chronic pain conditions or illnesses.
Postural assessment, orthopaedic testing, joint mobilisation, soft tissue techniques ( Soft Tissue Release, Muscle Energy Techniques, Trigger Pointing, etc), sports/ deep tissue massage and rehabilitation exercises are combined to treat both deep and superficial tissues. Treatment is effective for muscle aches and pains, injured muscles from sport or activity, headaches, low back pain, repetitive strain, sciatica, sports performance, injury prevention and recovery.
The benefits include reducing or eliminating pain and symptoms, improved circulation, joint mobility and immune system function, stimulation of the nervous system, reducing anxiety and depression, and increased body awareness.
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